Hopla was born from the dream of a teenager who discovered his passion for programming and computers through computer games back in the 1980s.

¿Quiénes somos? | Hopla! Tech SW Open Source

The famous game series from Atari, Amstrad, and Spectrum are the foundation of the company's freshness and restless culture.

Just as at that time, when everything was yet to be done, today the world of open-source software is where companies develop and grow their businesses. Here, the most cutting-edge, changing, and innovative technologies play a leading role, and that's where Hopla is—always attentive, dynamic, and at the forefront.

Hopla! is part of The Talent Club

Hopla! is part of The Talent Club, the community that connects exceptional talents in technology, sports, entertainment, and business. Being part of Hopla means being part of The Talent Club's representation of talents.

The Talent Club brings together leading companies from different sectors: Technology and science, business, and entertainment. Together, they form a constellation of talent and opportunities.


The community of leading companies in tech talent management.

Formed by leading companies in tech talent.

Drives all opportunities, enhances talent, and supports clients and talents in their careers.

Community members have access to a broad network of contacts, training, and job opportunities.

Consultora especializada
en perfiles de ingeniería e IT.

Especialistas en servicios de:

Talent as a Service (TaaS)
Turnkey Projects
Managed Services

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Leading consultancy in enhancing user experience in the digital field. Specialists in creating innovative experiences.

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Empresa especialista en soluciones de digitalización de empresas gracias a las tecnologías Open Source más avanzadas y al cloud.

Especialista en modernización de aplicaciones / kubernetes.

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Empresa de servicios de
ingeniería en el campo
del diseño y la certificación
en el sector aeronáutico.

Especialista en RAMS.

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Consultora tecnológica
que utiliza las herramientas
de Microsoft para alinear las
estrategias, procesos y
recursos de las empresas.

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Consultoría de selección
especializada en la gestión
de perfiles tecnológicos e IT.

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